How to Monetize Your YouTube Channel in 2024: A Complete Guide


If you want to earn money by crawling under the blanket then tell me what is the best and best way to do it youtube we guys can start a youtube channel and after starting it can also take it as a full time career. Well, there is not only one way to earn money from YouTube, but there are multiple ways, that is, there are many ways, so let’s sit down and discuss this.

Join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP):

If you want to turn your YouTube channel into a full-time career, you need to understand the different ways of earning. Instead of depending on surfing YouTube ads, you should explore multiple income streams that help you generate sustainable income. In this guide, we will see what are the best ways to monetize a YouTube channel in 2024.

  • Requirements to Join YPP in 2024:
  • 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months, 10 million valid public Shorts views in the last 90 days.
  • Compliance with community guidelines and monetization policies.
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Apply:
  1. Go to YouTube Studio and click on “Monetization”.
  2. Follow the steps to apply for YPP and link your AdSense account.
  3. Wait for approval, it may take a few weeks.
  • Benefits of Joining YPP:
  • Ad revenue sharing.
  • Access to channel memberships, Super Chats, and more.

Use YouTube Ads Effectively:

Making money from ads is the most common and popular way on YouTube. But, to generate maximum revenue you need to optimize the ads properly.

  • Type of ads :
  • Display Ads:Videos have side-by-side shows.
  • Overlay Ads: These come in the form of small banners above the video.
  • Skippable Ads: Viewers who want to leave after 5 seconds.
  • Non-skippable Ads: Which the viewer has to watch in full.

Optimization Tips:

Add option to place mid-roll lens to make long videos (more than 10 minutes)

.Focus on audience engagement and retention, why more ads will be shown over watchtime.

Channel Memberships:

Loyal fans can be charged for exclusive content with a channel subscription. This is a great way to give direct support.

How to Enable Memberships:

Go to the Monetization tab and enable “Membership”.Offer exclusive behind-the-scenes content, shout-outs, or exclusive live streams.

Pricing Strategies:

Each fan chooses according to their budget until different concessions for different levels.

Conculsion :

In summary, if we make YouTube a full-time career, it can be very good and most people want to do it, so I say that all of our future generations should have a YouTube channel. A person can communicate his message to everyone and in a very easy way

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